Wednesday 16 May 2012

Term Two Inquiry Project

New Zealand Peoples – Mini Inquiry
L.I - WALHT: Evaluate positive and negative consequences of cultural interaction for individuals and society, from a range of perspectives.
L.I - WALHT: Identify ways in which past and present cultural interaction has influenced the development of New Zealand society.

Choose a group of people that have moved to New Zealand.
When did this group of people come to New Zealand?
How does this group interact with New Zealand society?
Has the cultural group been discriminated against? If they have been discriminated against, explain how.
How has this group contributed to New Zealand society?

Present either on a poster or a powerpoint. 

Due on the last Friday of Week 8 - 15th June. 

Sunday 26 February 2012

Homework Project Weeks 5 and 6

Carrying on from some of the work that we have done looking at money in class, I have decided to give you a homework project that will allow you to explore budgeting in the real world.

WALHT: create a budget based upon needs and wants

Imagine that you have been given $10,000 (ten thousand NZ dollars) to create your dream bedroom. What would you spend that money on? I want you to prepare a budget of what you would spend the money on, and order what you purchase according to necessity. A bed is a necessity in a bedroom, so that has been put at the top of the list. The next most important thing is the TV, then the laptop bundle. This has been put in the order of needs and wants.

Present this information in a table like the one below complete with the price to show that you can work with a budget :
$500 (estimate)
Laptop bundle deal from Noel Leemings
Total spent

Success Criteria:
·         Create a budget based upon needs and wants
·         Stay within the $10,000 limit
·         Order your ‘purchases’ based upon need
·         Research the cost of items you want to purchase
·         Estimate the cost of items you want to purchase

You have two weeks to complete this project. It is due on the 9th of March
Happy imaginary shopping!

Friday 17 February 2012

Research Week 4.

At 12:50pm on February 22nd 2011, many Cantabrians were enjoying their day: students sitting in their classrooms; business people eating their lunch; workers working in their offices. Many of them were unaware of what would change in the next minute.

The rest, as they say, is history. We all know what happened on that fateful day last year as a magnitude 6.3 Earthquake struck Christchurch.

As New Zealand gathers to remember what happened, I want you to reflect on what you saw that day on the news, and what you have seen since on TV or in the newspapers.

[Note: I simply don't know if any of you have relatives that are in Christchurch that were effected by the Earthquake. Some of you may do, if this makes it difficult to complete this homework, please let Mr Caradus know].

My reflection questions to you are: 

  • Where were you on February 22, 2011? 
  • What did you think when you heard the news? 
  • What images or videos have you seen that you will always remember. Post a hyperlink to these videos or pictures. 
  • Out of adversity comes opportunity. If you had an opportunity create a sculpture or a monument for the people of Christchurch to remember the Earthquake, what sort of monument would you choose? Have a look at some of the monuments around the world with Google to find one you would like to use.

Like always, this homework is due on Friday!
Have a great week :)